photograph Larry Buttrose
Saroo Brierley (centre), Swarnima Mandloi (fourth left) and Saroo's mother Kamla (second left), and me at right of Saroo.
I was sitting in my home office in the Blue Mountains on a typically chilly midwinter day when for some reason I checked an old email account I rarely used and found an email from someone at Penguin Books. When I opened it I saw it was from the publisher, Ben Ball, asking about my interest in ghost-writing a book about a lost Indian boy.
I rang him and instantly knew this
was a remarkable true life saga: a young boy gets lost on a train in the west
of India, and ends up thousands of kilometres away in the chaos of Howrah
Station in Calcutta (now Kolkata). On the streets near the station he survives
for weeks, if not months, as a street kid, before being turned in to the police
and then plucked by fate in the form of a kind-hearted adoption agent, and a
few months later is living with his new family in Hobart. There he has a
typically Aussie childhood, and then a quarter of a century later, after years
of searching using Google Earth by following rail lines away from Kolkata, locates
his original home town. He flies to India and miraculously manages to meet his
family who still live in his old home town. The family is overjoyed to see
their lost son again. The circle closes.
Before long I was sitting in the
Penguin’s Sydney office in Surry Hills where Ben introduced me to Saroo and his
then manager, Andrew Fraser. Saroo was a sizeable man with a direct, no-nonsense
manner. Andrew exuded experience and professionalism, yet at the same time was
relaxed and easygoing. They both seemed open and down to earth, and we eased
into the meeting. I told them how much I loved the story and what a terrific
book it would make, but also spoke about how much I loved India, having travelled
there on a number of occasions, and had included it in two travel books. I had
even set a novel in Pondicherry (now Puduchery), written while staying in the
legendary Sea Side Guest House on the esplanade looking out onto the Bay of
The three of us seemed to get on,
and I returned home hopeful of getting the job. I didn’t know how many others
were interviewed, but I imagined it would be a few - it was a very good
project. When I didn’t hear anything for around a week, I thought it might have
gone to someone else, but wrote Ben an email to check, and he later got back
apologising that he’d been off work due to illness, and that if I still wanted
the job I could have it. I confirmed that I did indeed want it. The deadline
was very tight though: they needed the book researched in Tasmania and India,
and a manuscript of 80 thousand words, completed by early December, for planned
release for Mothers Day the following year. By the time the contract was
finalised, that was just three months to research and write the book. It would clearly be a challenge, especially
as I was also working as a sessional university teacher and contracted until
November, but I quickly scheduled in two trips to Hobart to interview Saroo and
his Australian family, working around my university commitments.
I had never been
to Tasmania before, and the airliner flew in through low banks of purple black
clouds, over a slate-toned sea and a jagged coastline that looked a bit like
Ireland. I checked in to my hotel near the Hobart docks, called home to my
partner Belle and our then three year old, Ada, and settled in. The following
day I recorded the first of many hours of interviews with Saroo.
There had been a lot of coverage of
the story already, from the BBC and major American magazines, to The Age and ABC local radio in Hobart.
The media interest had begun soon after Saroo found his mother, brother and
sister in Khandwa, the small regional centre in Madhya Pradesh in the central
west of India that was his birthplace. Neighbours had initially joined in the
celebration, but word soon spread through the working class suburb of Ganesh
Talai where they lived, and then through the entire town, and before long
people were thronging in to see him, the small boy who had vanished so long ago
and come home as a grown man, from halfway around the world. The next day the local media was onto the
story, and word spread much farther afield, with crews flying in to cover the
story and take it to all corners of India. That was when the international
media got hold of it, and, ultimately, Penguin gained the rights for a book. It
had all happened in the space of just a few months.
‘I was pretty amazed,’ Saroo told
me, at our first recording session. He speaks with the laconic, matter-of-fact
delivery of many Australians. ‘It was obviously a big thing for me personally,
but I never could have imagined it would be of such interest to so many others.
Sometimes I just had to go back to my hotel room in Khandwa to get away from
it, it was so intense.’
Now he was sitting in another hotel
room in Hobart, and telling the story again, only this time it would be the
account of his entire life, where he had grown up in Khandwa, and how he had
become lost on that fateful night, the train journey across India, survival on
the streets of Calcutta, and everything that followed.
I took the questioning back to his
earliest memories, his family, his mother and father. His father was Muslim,
and his mother Kamla was Hindu. He told me of the shocking day his father had
arrived home with another woman and said she was now his wife. Kamla and the
four children had to go and live elsewhere.
Saroo told me his
name was an Anglicised version of Sheru, which means “Lion”. I asked his
father’s surname, and he said it was Khan.
‘That means “emperor” or “king”, I think,’ I said. ‘So there you are -
you’re the Lion King!’
Over the next few days we pieced
together his childhood, and how his elder brother Guddu had become a
breadwinner, working as a sweeper on trains, while his mother worked carrying
large stones on her head for building sites and roads. They only made a
pittance between them, however, and often the children had to forage, stealing
tomatoes, and in one hair-raising episode in which they nearly got caught, for
Between interview sessions, Saroo
would go home, search his memories, write down notes and bullet points, and
then we would sit down together and go over his recollections again. Some
memories were clearer, but others we needed to go over again and again, because
his memories were hazy, or something wasn’t quite adding up.
One of the early issues I raised was
his memory of the train journey across India. His recollection was that on the
night he got lost, he had gone to the local railway station with Guddu, and
they had taken a train to the nearby town of Burhanpur, where Guddu was working
at the station. It had been a spur of the moment decision, and it was already
mid evening when they got there, and five year old Saroo was tired. His brother
had gone off to do his work, and Saroo had stretched out on a bench to sleep.
When he awoke some time later, it was still the dead of night, and he had
called for his brother, but got no answer.
Then he saw that a train had drawn up at the platform, its doors open,
and he thought his brother might be on it, sweeping up papers and peanut
shells, as he often did on-board trains as well as on the platforms. Soon after
Saroo got on board, however, the doors had clanged shut and the train started
moving, and so his horror journey, locked on board a train going to the far
side of India, had begun.
His memory was that he had spent a
night the train, and it had arrived the next day in Calcutta. He had told as
much to an American magazine reporter who had visited Hobart not long before to
write a major feature story, and who had reported it as a journey of some 13
hours. But one look at an online map made me doubt very much that an Indian
train could travel all that distance in such a short time. I had travelled a
fair bit on Indian trains, and one thing I knew was they never got anywhere
Also, I wondered why there had been
no-one else in the carriage for him to speak with, or why he hadn’t managed to
call out to people on the platforms at stops along the way. This sort of detail
Saroo was not at all sure of, and said that as a very small child alone with no
money, no ID, just the shirt and shorts he was dressed in, he must have lapsed
into some kind of semi-conscious state.
That made sense, and was at least a
partial explanation. It also helped make sense of the discovery I made on the
Indian Railways site that even now, 25 years later, it still takes the only
train that goes direct from Burhanpur to
Calcutta a full 32 hours to make the journey - more than double what the American
magazine had reported.
After each day’s work I would have
dinner and then return to the computer to start roughing the book out. Saroo
would email in extra pieces of information – something he had just recalled, or
an answer to a question that had hadn’t been able to remember at the time.
But the clock was ticking. I had 10
weeks left to come back to Hobart and interview other family members, finish
the university semester and finalise student marks, and get on a plane to India
with Saroo. And by the time we finished our expected month in India, I needed
to have the book written.
The second trip to Hobart was most
notable for my meeting with Sue, Saroo’s Australian adoptive mother. She was
engaging, quick-witted and enjoyable company. She had always been a passionate
believer in adopting in-need children from countries less privileged than our
own, and her husband had come to embrace that view too. Not only had they
adopted Saroo, but his adoptive brother Mantosh too, and they had raised the
two Indian boys as their own. I had asked Saroo if he had experienced racism
growing up as a dark-skinned Indian kid in schools in Tasmania decades ago, and
he had said ‘no’, but Sue’s memory was different. She said there had been
racism, including one woman who would not let her child be on the same sports
team. When I put this to Saroo, he said ‘I probably just wasn’t very aware of
it back then’, and left it at that.
I also interviewed his girlfriend,
Lisa, including the Eureka moment when he had found what he was looking for
‘He more or less yelled from the
lounge room, “Babes, babes, you’ve got to come see this!” So I got up [from
bed] and poked my head around and looked at the computer screen [in the living
room] and he goes “This is it, this is my home town!” And I go, “Are you sure,
are you certain?” and he said “Yeah, yeah, it is, it is!” And I said “Oh god,
that’s great!” So yeah, that was quite a happy moment.’
Back home, I transcribed the
recordings and drafted what I had from them, and bounced them to and fro with
Saroo for additions, deletions and changes. There was 20,000 words and the
bones of the story down, but I was apprehensive yet about the mountain that needed
to be climbed, with the bulk of the book yet to be written while travelling in
November came
around quickly, and I was aboard a flight to Delhi. Saroo had gone on ahead and
was meeting me at the airport. We had been booked into a tourist hotel near the
airport that neither of us particularly liked. Still, the last time I had been
in Delhi I had stayed at Ringo’s Guest House, a legendary traveller’s haunt
near Connaught Place in the centre of the city, where each room came with its
own full tray of rat poison under the board-top bed, and a wafer thin mattress
was extra. This one was a business traveller’s hotel, and by contrast, it was
cushy, if a bit dull.
Although it was winter in Delhi, the
days were still warm and close. I had read that thousands of people in the city
died each year from illnesses associated with air pollution, and could believe
it: the smog was so thick its tendrils clutched in at your nasal tracts. I had
first visited Delhi back in 1987. Then the centre was still manageable. Yes the
roads were chaotic, with every kind of vehicle and conveyance vying for space
with pedestrians, as well as wandering cows, pigs and dogs, but the intervening
decades of development had led to an explosion in traffic. The roads were all
clogged, backed up, and a taxi journey anywhere took an eternity.
One night we sat at a café on the
corner of an arterial road near our hotel at rush hour, and witnessed a most
extraordinary sight. This was no simple traffic jam, but buses, trucks, cars,
cycles and motorcycles, taxis and tuk-tuks, animals, humans, all packed in so
tightly and densely together that they appeared to constitute a multi-hued
paste in the process of being extruded millimetre by millimetre from a tube. It
did not move so much as unfold, like a bizarre stage tableau, a cruel,
vehicular butoh, before the astonished eye.
I suggested we visit the Red Fort.
Built in the seventeenth century by Shah Jahan, whose workers also constructed
the Taj Mahal, it was here that masses gathered on 15 August 1947 when India’s
first prime minister Jawaharlal Nehru raised the nation’s new flag to celebrate
Indian independence from Britain.
The massive fort remains a potent
symbol of the Indian state, and I wanted to ask Saroo how Indian he felt within
its walls. But as we stood there, in the heart of that fortress, his answer was
direct – even here, he felt Australian. Although there were many aspects of
India he liked and identified with, he was Australian. And I could see he was
right. I was born in Adelaide of an Anglo-Celtic family, but in many ways Saroo
was more Aussie than me. After all, I’d packed hiking boots for the trip, while
Saroo walked the broken and dirty pavements and roads of India in shorts and a
pair of thongs.
The Fort was hit by a terrorist
attack in 2000, and security was tight at the main gate, with a battery of
metal scanners, and then we had had to walk through the machine gun sights of
the permanent security post beyond. We faced similarly tight security two days
later when we flew down to the city of Indore, north of Khandwa. But there as
they scanned and patted us down and got us to stand up on blocks and extend our
arms for closer examination, I was grateful for the level of security, and I’m
sure Saroo was too.
The uneventful flight south to
Indore was followed by a typically nail-biting, terrifying two-hour taxi ride
south down a busy main road, until we finally arrived at Khandwa in the late
afternoon, and were dropped off at our hotel.
The place was a converted old
British army barracks, one star at best, but there was little choice in
Khandwa: it wasn’t a place tourists came to, and the face I saw in my room’s
cracked mirror was the only non-Indian one I would see the whole time we were
there. Breakfast was interesting. If we
were lucky there was toast, perhaps an egg. Sometimes the only thing we could
get was a cup of tea, without milk. While I had stayed before in pretty basic
accommodation in India, this set a new standard.
Soon after we arrived, Saroo set off
alone to visit his family, something we both thought the right thing. He had
only spent a few days with them on his first visit earlier in the year, and was
still feeling his way towards getting to know them again. But the next day we
set off together, navigating the broken and cratered roads into the centre of
Khandwa, about one kilometre away. There we came to the railway underpass that
was one of the map features he had identified on Google Earth to find his way
back here. Considering the commonness of so many features he recognized… a
water tower, a lake, the underpass… it remains a miracle that he found his way back
here at all, just as it is a miracle he survived on the streets alone in
Calcutta as a small, lone boy. Yes, other kids survive on the streets there,
but they are members of gangs, groups: young Saroo had been entirely on his
own. But Saroo’s life has all been about defying the odds, and here we were,
walking under that underpass and through the streets of Ganesh Talai, on our
way to his Indian family, and home.
Ganesh Talai is a working class
area, poor by metropolitan Indian standards, but no cardboard box chawl. These
were little houses, butted one against the other, in an orderly layout of
streets and lanes. Houses were neatly painted, sometimes in bright colours, and
there was an immediate sense of a close-knit neighbourhood.
We turned into a narrow alleyway,
and the second house on our left belonged to Saroo’s mother. She was there to greet us, a greying, slender
but strong looking woman with a keen eye and welcoming smile. The years she had
carried rocks for road crews were written on her, and the trials she had
endured losing two children, yet strangely enough, a moment later they
vanished. Life had touched her, yes, but somehow its mark remained light.
As we talked, she fondled Saroo’s
hand maternally. His brother Kallu and sister Shekila both arrived as well, and
were equally delighted to see him again.
Saroo has long forgotten most of his
Hindi, so the next day we returned with an interpreter. This was serendipity.
We had been expecting his mother’s elderly neighbor to translate for us, as she
had on Saroo’s first visit, but I had chanced upon another potential
translator. I had met Swarnima in a queue at the railway station that morning.
I had overheard her speaking in clear, perfect English to the elderly man
behind the counter. She had noticed I was a foreigner in town, gave me a
quizzical look, and we spoke. She was young and educated, highly intelligent,
just what we needed. It turned out that she was from a wealthy political family
in Khandwa, back home for the Diwali holidays from her job in Mumbai, and after
I explained why we were there she was happy to spend some of her time back in
her home town working with us. Saroo and I were even invited into her family
home for a Diwali ceremony, and the ongoing relationship worked so well that she
ultimately played Kamla in dramatised sequences that Channel Nine shot in India
for its 60 Minutes segment on Saroo in 2013.
photograph Larry Buttrose
Me with Swarnima and Saroo at Diwali ceremony
With Swarnima’s
help I was able to fill in aspects of the story from his family’s point of
view, including his mother’s unshakeable faith that one day Saroo would return,
as he ultimately did. She said she used to face to the south, and pray for his
return. As it turned out, she had been facing in the right direction, even if
he was farther south than she might have ever imagined.
The days passed quickly in Khandwa.
We visited the town centre, where Saroo pointed out landmarks such as the old
cinema, and the nearby lake, and other crucial landmarks he had identified on
Google Earth. We also met with Rochak Nagori, the young man who ran Khandwa My
Home Town, the Facebook group Saroo had contacted for vital confirmation of
facts, and who had helped cement the conviction that he was right that he had
finally found his home town after years of fruitless searching online.
A major part of our journey was to
be crossing India by train, following as well as we could the route that the
young Saroo might have taken. Saroo had not done this on his first trip back,
but I considered it crucial for him to re-live it to see if any memories came back,
as well of course as perhaps recalling more things that happened to him in
Calcutta, once we reached our destination. There was only one direct service
between Khandwa and Calcutta, the daily train service from Mumbai. For
authenticity, we needed to catch it from Burhanpur, the next town along the
line, where the young Saroo had ventured onto a train in the middle of the
night, and couldn’t get off it until it stopped in Calcutta. After we said our goodbyes to his family, a
small crowd gathered in the nearby dusty town square of Ganesh Talai, where the
locals again farewelled the man who had returned. As we headed off, small boys
around the same age as the young Saroo had been ran alongside the car, laughing
and shouting out their goodbyes.
After another predictably
hair-raising road trip to Burhanpur, we checked in to the one hotel that looked
reasonable, dined at tables set outside under the stars, and turned in for an
early night. A taxi was booked to pick us up before dawn, to take us to the
We emerged with our bags into a
chilly pre-dawn, with sleeping people huddled in blankets by the roadside, and
found our driver. We set off down silent streets, past low blocks of concrete
apartments, darkened houses and shuttered up shops, past pigs rooting in the
dust for scraps, to the station. When we arrived the parking lot was already
alive with people jostling about with big bags and even bigger bundles, and we
made our way over the overpass, to the platform where our train would arrive.
It was running late - no-one was quite sure how late - so we settled in for a
wait. Once I had waited ten freezing hours on a platform in Varanasi, and hoped
this would be no repeat of that. While we waited, Saroo pointed out the water
tower behind the station, which had been another of his vital landmarks on
Google Earth. As I had been all along, I dutifully photographed everything for
the book.
Swarnima had helped us book our
seats back in Khandwa, and so we were at least assured of berths. We were
travelling first class, but on this train that didn’t translate to anything
fancy – just two seats that converted into bunks for sleeping. The sheets at
least were clean, and the meals that came around were tasty thalis.
The train trundled off into the
early morning, along dusty plains that gradually gave way to more fertile
countryside. The vista opened out on either side of seemingly endless fields
being tilled by India’s great agricultural class, the ones who don’t live in
the flashy apartment blocks in Delhi and Mumbai, but in humble villages where
they tend their crops and beasts. The sky was a hazy blue, and went on over the
flatlands forever. Occasionally we passed through towns, and then cities, with
factories and industrial plants, before plunging on ever eastwards, back into
the rural heartland of India. I tried prompting Saroo about the world that
passed by in our window, but it was clear that little remained in his memory
from that terrifying journey he took as a boy. That was not surprising, but I
did my best to prompt responses, and occasionally they came.
That night I slept soundly, swaying
in my bunk, and in the morning some young children travelling with their
parents quizzed us, oddities that we were aboard this train. I told them a
little about Saroo, and to remember his name and that they had travelled on
this train journey with him.
As the second morning wore on, palm
trees and lush green undergrowth appeared in our window, and paddy fields
flooded with water that would have been an amazing sight for the young Saroo,
coming from such a dry part of India. We passed satellite towns, and then the
train began to slow as we approached the Asian metropolis of Kolkata. I had
been here once before, and remembered it fondly for its combination of the intelligence
and wit of the Bengalis, and its superb British Raj-era architecture such as
the Victoria monument and the Writers Building (from where armies of clerks
penned and dispatched the orders of the once all powerful East India Company).
Leaving the train, we found
ourselves at the centre of the maelstrom that is the Howrah railway terminus.
People swirled everywhere around us, hauling bags, clutching briefcases,
begging for a rupee, running for a train. I asked Saroo to stand in the middle
of it, and photographed him standing still amid all that frantic movement, just
as he had decades before, even if now he towered above the crowd, whereas back
then he would have gazed up into an endless mass of passing legs.
Outside was hot and sultry, the air
heavily polluted, although not as bad as Delhi had been. We had been booked
into an upmarket hotel out on the edge of town near the airport, and so next
came the long taxi ride out there. Security was tight on arrival, and our bags
were scanned before we could go into the gleaming new tower building. The world
we entered was cool and ordered, a little slice of five star western affluence,
and our rooms were ideal as a retreat from the grind of the world outside,
which we would need to re-enter each day in pursuit of Saroo’s story here.
There was a gym and even a rooftop infinity pool, from the cooling depths of
which we could watch the endless procession of jetliners on final approach to
the airport. There were plenty of bars too, but better than that, my room was cool
and quiet, and with fast wifi. I knew I could settle in here and finish the
I had written some pieces along the
way, but still only had about 30,000 words down, and needed to write 50,000
more in around two and a half weeks to meet my deadline, as well as conduct
more research here. That was going to be a push for anyone.
During the days that followed, we
went back to Howrah Station by the Hoogly Rover, where the young Saroo had
survived somehow, on scraps from food vendors, and had slept under the massive
Howrah Bridge with sadhus. He had also almost drowned here – twice – swimming
in the river. We visited the home for lost children where he had been taken
after being picked up by police, a fortress-like structure to which, he was
told back then, children came but never left.
But he had left, because of a monumental
stroke of luck. A woman called Mrs Sood ran an adoption agency, and had read
the police notes about Saroo, and noted his account that he had come from far
away, involuntarily, by train. She advertised in newspapers in Bengal and
surrounding states, but no-one came forward to claim him as their child. Little
did she know that she would have needed to advertise on the far side of India.
But she took Saroo into her orphanage, which we also visited, and soon began
arrangements for his adoption. Within a few months of being picked up by
police, Saroo would be living with a loving family in Hobart, a place so far
beyond his experience it must have felt as if he had stepped onto the surface of
a very benign Mars.
Mrs Sood trained as a lawyer in
Delhi, but found a calling to help the needy in Calcutta, and has been helping
arrange adoptions for children for decades. She is now an elderly but spry, wry
and witty woman with sparkling eyes. She still runs the adoption agency from
the same premises, in a British-era mews house in central Kolkata, and she
greeted Saroo like her own child, which in a way he is, owing his life to her –
something about which he was keenly aware. She showed me photographs and his
file from back then, and was clearly delighted to learn he had rediscovered his
Indian family, and now far from being the lost waif whom she had taken in, he
had not just one family, but two.
Our research done, Saroo flew off
for some R&R in Mumbai, planning another visit to his family before
returning to Australia. For me, though, tens of thousands of words still needed
to be written before my deadline. My daily skype sessions with Belle and Ada
helped keep me sane, but basically my life became three meals a day in the
hotel restaurant, some time in the gym and pool, and the rest at my desk,
churning out copy. With a few days to go I still needed twenty or so thousand
words, but after a discussion with the publishers, the amount was reduced to seventy
thousand words. That I knew I could make, and I managed to write the final
sentence on the morning of the deadline, and pressed Send on the email
containing the finished manuscript. After that, it was in the expert hands of
the editor, Michael Nolan, and Ben Ball (who both did a terrific job on it). All
that remained for me was breakfast, check out, and a short taxi ride to the
Arriving home early the next day, I
was met by my own family, Belle and Ada, and thanked the heavens that I had them.
I already knew the value of family, but my journey with Saroo had taught me
something very personal: without it we are merely chaff in the wind.
photograph Larry Buttrose
Saroo and his mother with brother Kallu and sister Shekila
what an Odyssey!
ReplyDeleteThanks Laurence - it was!
ReplyDeleteWow Larry that's completely amazing. Unbelievable. Great gig, congratulations on rising to the occasion. All the best. Thoroughly enjoyed reading about it.
ReplyDeleteThanks very much John, and good to hear from you.
DeleteFantastic tale, Larry .... we're proud of you, old pal.
ReplyDeleteLove from Anthony and Robyn in Woodend to you and family. We miss our little circle .....
Many thanks Anthony and love to you both!
DeleteBrilliant Larry. Great to read how you put the story to paper and all it involved x
ReplyDeleteThank you Bernie. Lxx
ReplyDeleteI loved the book, and the film, and this blog too is fascinating! The story is a brilliant one, but the way you wrote is so candid and unpretentious. Wonderful achievement!
ReplyDeleteThank you Anna
DeleteWhat an amazing story! I read the book as soon as it came out and just loved it... and after seeing the moving I'm glad they gave justice to the story and your book with this movie! Well done!
ReplyDeleteMany thanks indeed Claudia
DeleteAwesome post! A very good step-by-step guide especially for a beginner like me. It’s overwhelming with information, thank you for making it easy and very detailed.. I’ll pop some questions here, if I need help, hope that’s okay.
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Wonderful bloggers like yourself who would positively reply encouraged me to be more open and engaging in commenting.So know it's helpful.
ReplyDeleteJava Training in Chennai
Thank you for your blog post, I saw the movie and it was amazing. One day I hope to go to India.
ReplyDeleteThanks for mentioning me in your post larry.... it was your writing that made this true story interesting....
ReplyDeleteJust saw the movie, and now the blog! All matches up,! How Guddu died, and details of how adoption was,done in 3 months,Is somethin I am interested in. Overseas adoptions being notoriously bureaucratic. What about visa and passport for someone with no ID ! assume the train was the Kolkata mail.On which I myself have travelled from Mumbai to Howrah via Nagpur in 1986. I had an asthamtic attack once on the way back.And a doctor came on board in the night maybe between Nashik and Khandwa,and wanted to inject me with Deriphylin. I chose to turn down the offer.,And sat up the whole night clutching a stainless steel cup of hot tea to my chest, to reduce congestion. On arrival in Mumbai the doctor was amazed I was still alive and put me on a nebulizer! I remember these train journeys well! In excess of 30 hours,most often late by half a day! I of course dont know why the entire carriage did not have any other passengers? And no ticket conductor? This train is always overfull. And no empty bogie! Maybe you may want to check this out.,As this cross country journey back then was always booked full months in advance. Still is. Also, what was the season when this happened. What was the role of Noor who picked him up on the tracks in Howrah?
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ReplyDeleteCould not initialize license properties. QuickBooks Error 3371: QuickBooks could not load the license data. Such an error can be caused because of missing or damaged files.
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ReplyDeleteYou don’t have to strain yourself in regards to the safety and privacy of one's data since this issue could be resolved by using QuickBooks Tech Support Number at toll-free number in minimum time. There are a number of possible reasons of this issue.
ReplyDeleteIf you come with any issue which many of us is just not conscious of then it`s not most likely a challenge for the team as it's quick and sharp to locate out from the issue and resolving it straight away. Go right ahead and e mail us anytime at Quickbooks Support Number.
ReplyDeleteHope now you recognize that how to relate with QuickBooks Enterprise Support Phone Number. We've been independent alternative party support company for intuit QuickBooks, we do not have almost any link with direct QuickBooks, the employment of name Images and logos on website only for reference purposes only.
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ReplyDeleteWill transfer your preference into the involved department. Those are decimals, comma, backspace, etc. QuickBooks Customer Service Are you go through to cope with this? Unless you, we have been here that will help you.
ReplyDeleteWhy should you choose Quickoboks Phone Number We now have a team of professionals that have extensive QB expertise and knowledge on how to tailor this software to virtually any industry.
ReplyDeleteThe QuickBooks Payroll Support Number team at site name is held responsible for removing the errors that pop up in this desirable software. We care for not letting any issue can be purchased in in the middle of your work and trouble you in undergoing your tasks.
ReplyDeleteRelating to statics released because of the Bing & Google search insights significantly more than 50,000 folks searching the web to find the QuickBooks Enterprise Support Phone Number on a daily basis and much more than 2,000 quarries associated with Quickbooks issues and errors .
ReplyDeleteQuickBooks has been recognised world wide as the utmost effective and useful accounting software. Quickbooks Technical support customer service executives that really work with you on QuickBook Customer Support Phone Number are responsible to manage every Quickbook technical issue that produces in QuickBooks software.
ReplyDeleteAt site name, the customer care team assists you to in resolving every error that hinders the performance and speed with this work. Many of us studies every issue beforehand and offers you the optimised solution. If you come with any issue which many of us is just not conscious of then it`s not most likely a challenge for the team as it's quick and sharp to locate out from the issue and resolving it straight away. Go right ahead and e mail us anytime at QuickBooks Payroll Tech Support.
ReplyDeleteQuickBooks Phone advisors are certified Pro-advisors’ and it has forte in furnishing any kind of technical issues for QuickBooks. These are typically expert and certified technicians of these domains like QuickBooks accounting,QuickBook Support Phone Number, Point of Sales, QuickBooks Merchant Services and Inventory issues to provide 24/7 service to our esteemed customers.
ReplyDeleteQuickBooks Payroll Tech Support Phone Number are accessed by many people people people internet marketers, accountants, CA, CPAs to calculate taxes and pay employees. Unfortunately, forms of issues and errors arise for which they should contact the Intuit Payroll support team.
ReplyDeleteQuickBooks Payroll Support number helps one to resolve all your valuable technical and functional problems whilst looking after this well known extensive, premium and end-to-end business accounting and payroll management software. Our experts team at QuickBooks payroll support number is going to make you understand its advanced functions and assists someone to lift up your business growth.
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ReplyDeleteAnd also we possess the best account specialists in our team. And they are always working round the clock to just beat your expectations. Our QuickBooks Support is obviously free and active to give you the best QuickBooks customer service for its great products.
ReplyDeleteIntuit QuickBooks Payroll Support Phone Number accounting software enables you to prepare your invoices, manage your business payrolls, track your business inventory, control cash flow, and be tax-ready.
The QuickBooks Customer Support Phone Number is available 24/7 to deliver much-needed integration related support also to promptly make use of QuickBooks Premier along with other Microsoft Office software applications.
ReplyDeleteYou need to decide the Intuit QuickBooks Support the terribly second you will get a slip-up on your screen. it is potential that you just may lose information, or get corruption in your record or company file if the error prolongs.
ReplyDeleteThe most common errors faced by the QuickBooks users is unknown errors thrown by QuickBooks software at the time of software update. To be able to fix the problem, you ought to look at your internet and firewall setting, web browser setting and system time and date setting you can simply give us a call at QuickBooks Support Phone Number for instant assistance in QB issues.
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Let’s update you with the proven fact that this matter is immensely faced by our customers. Do not worry after all and e-mail us at our QuickBooks Support Phone Number.
ReplyDeleteHope so now you understand that how exactly to relate with QuickBooks Enterprise Support Phone Number and QuickBooks enterprise customer support contact number. We have been independent alternative party support company for intuit QuickBooks, we would not have just about any link with direct QuickBooks, the employment of name Images and logos on website only for reference purposes only.
ReplyDeleteQuickBooks Technical Support Phone Number is so robust financial accounting software that it scans and repairs company file data periodically however still you will find situations where in actuality the data damage level goes high and required expert interventions.
ReplyDeleteCausing errors into the books of records of small businesses is a costly affair and will even end up the whole business the END. So, ensure that the online accounting software which you plan to buy has good expertise in handling books of records of businesses. Contact their past clients and check their measurements of businesses the service provider has managed till now. Easily dial our QuickBooks Technical Support Phone Number to get linked to our wonderful technical team. In a way, you can get a definite concept of the amount of experience and expertise the bookkeeper should have to meet your requirements.
ReplyDeleteWe can confidently assure you of the fact that we will find the solution to any questions that you may have. Likewise, our team makes sure to leave no query unresolved. QuickBooks support team of experts will provide you with a one-time solution to any difficulties that you might face. In fact, our customers have not been disappointed with our services until now, and neither will you. The Enterprise Support finds a speedy solution to all your system related ordeals without too much effort on your part. Just sit back and let our QuickBooks Enterprise Tech Support Number do the job!
ReplyDeleteThere you will need QuickBooks Premier Support Phone Number for QuickBooks Pro-advisors, the certified experts with tremendous experience focusing on QuickBooks errors and Data damage related issues. Dial QuickBooks Help Number for complete diagnostics of one's QuickBooks Data files for Errors and accounting issues.
ReplyDeleteHope now you recognize that how to relate with QuickBooks Enterprise Support Number and QuickBooks enterprise customer support contact number. We've been independent alternative party support company for intuit QuickBooks, we do not have almost any link with direct QuickBooks, the employment of name Images and logos on website only for reference purposes only.
ReplyDeleteThis process of availing support requires one to mention your issue or concern when it comes to your QuickBooks Payroll Support Number software product and send an e-mail in order to receive a remedy.
ReplyDeleteThe three versions of QuickBooks Payroll Support which are as follows- Basic Version, Enhanced Version, Assisted Version, QuickBooks updated version. QuickBooks online offers come with every version of Free QuickBooks Payroll,
ReplyDeleteThere are numerous types of bugs, glitches, and conditions that users can face while operating the QuickBooks. However, the QuickBooks Tech Support Phone Number can help you in troubleshooting the all types of errors by giving an entire and easy stepwise guide. After understanding your problems, our great technical executives supply the most effective support in rectifying them.
ReplyDeleteHere, key basis for calling us is a superb thing that you might do if there is any issue utilizing the QuickBook software which appears would be to only solve it. Others may not! For tackling all issues linked to the QuickBooks, you've got need to have probably the most extensive understanding about accounting software, that individuals do, it possibly not a case with several of this competitors. just through a call in the customer service or even the toll-free QuickBooks Support Phone Number. We offer the essential affordable cost technical support.
ReplyDeleteAt QuickBooks Support Phone Number we work with the principle of consumer satisfaction and our effort is directed to give you a transparent and customer delight experience. A timely resolution into the minimum span could be the targets of QuickBooks Toll-Free Pro-Advisors. The diagnose and issue resolution process happens to be made step by step and it is kept as simple as possible.
ReplyDeleteWe have a team of professionals that have extensive QB expertise and knowledge on how to tailor this software to any industry. Having performed many QB data conversions and other QB engagements, we have the experience that you can rely on. To get our help, just dial the QuickBooks Support Number to receive consultation or order our services. We will help you streamline and simplify the accounting, reporting and tracking so that managing your company’s finances would be much easier. Also, we guarantee to maintain anonymity and high level of security while handling issues related to QB software use. Our QuickBooks customer service is available to you at any time. Get in touch with us by using a phone number or email indicated on the Quickbooks Support site. We will be happy to assist you with any question about QuickBooks you might have.
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